Latest Course Dates
We are constantly adding more certified courses. Here are just some of our upcoming courses
Our Next Course: NCSC Certified Cyber Security for Internal Comms
NCSC Certified: Cyber Security for Internal Comms
Course Dates: 20th April
Course Time: 09:30-12:30
Course Overview
As we increasingly digitise and work flexibly in a dynamic and unpredictable world, it is essential organisations and individuals build Cyber Security capability and resilience. PR and Comms professionals are key roles in mitigating Cyber risks. It is essential therefore, that they build their own knowledge and capability – to provide sound, credible and timely advice; engage others in delivering key messaging to foster a positive Cyber Security culture and to provide critical support during a crisis.
This comprehensive, engaging and interactive half day Cyber Security course will provide you with essential knowledge and best practice to mitigate risks in an increasingly digitised and remote working/hybrid environment. This virtual course includes:
- An understanding of the importance of Cyber Security, with a focus for internal comms;
- Overview of the global Cyber landscape and threats, including the current environment and trends – with relevant context to support Comms professionals;
- A focus on social engineering, phishing, ransomware, the insider threat, email hacking and vulnerabilities in new ways of working;
- Knowledge of key legislation and your obligations; and the impact of non-compliance including financial, operational and reputational consequences;
- An understanding of a holistic approach, encompassing people, processes, policy and processes to mitigate risks – both personal and professional;
- Key areas to consider when managing incidents;
- Real-life scenarios and case studies to consolidate learning.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email
NCSC Certified: Cyber Security Awareness for PR and Comms in a Global Context
Course Date: Please contact us for the next available date.
Course Time: 09:30-12:30
Course Overview
PR and Comms professionals are key roles in mitigating Cyber risks. It is essential therefore, that they build their own knowledge and capability – to provide sound, credible and timely advice; engage others in delivering key messaging to foster a positive Cyber Security culture; and to provide critical support during a crisis.
This comprehensive, engaging and interactive half day Cyber Security course will provide you with essential knowledge and best practice to mitigate risks in an increasingly digitised and remote working/hybrid environment. This virtual course includes:
- An understanding of the importance of Cyber Security, with a focus for PR and Comms;
- Overview of the global Cyber landscape and threats, including the current environment and trends – with relevant context to support PR and Comms professionals;
- A focus on social engineering, phishing, ransomware, the insider threat, email hacking and vulnerabilities in new ways of working;
- Knowledge of key legislation and your obligations; and the impact of non-compliance including financial, operational and reputational consequences;
- An understanding of a holistic approach, encompassing people, processes, policy and processes to mitigate risks – both personal and professional;
- Key areas to consider when managing incidents;
- Real-life scenarios and case studies to consolidate learning.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email
NCSC Certified: Cyber Security for Managers
Course Date: Please contact us for the next available date.
Course Time: 09:30-12:30
Course Overview
Managers and Leaders have a key role to play in minimising risks, developing Cyber resilience and fostering a positive Cyber Security culture throughout the business and their teams. Appropriate Cyber Security training and engagement is key to this to encourage good Cyber Security practices and behaviours as business-as-usual. This includes ensuring that employees understand the importance of Cyber Security and their roles and responsibilities, as well as ensuring policies, processes and procedures are adhered to.
Led by experienced NCSC Certified trainers, Templar Executives’ comprehensive and interactive course will support Managers to lead in this agenda and to add value to the business. This virtual course includes:
- The definition of holistic Cyber Security and the key role of Managers;
- Raising awareness of the types Cyber Security threats, vulnerabilities and risks – and discuss current and evolving trends (including industry context as appropriate);
- Exploring the risks of sharing information via social media and increased working from home;
- An overview of key legislation and liabilities;
- Discussing incident management and business continuity;
- Exploring how to develop a positive Cyber Security culture;
- Discussion, exercises and real-world scenarios.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email
NCSC Certified: Cyber Security for Finance & Commercial
Course Date: Please contact us for the next available date.
Course Time: 09:30-12:30
Course Overview
Inadequate Cyber Security best practice creates material financial and commercial risk; vulnerabilities can be exploited by criminals or leave the business open to unintended harm. As part of the finance and commercial teams, it is both essential and increasingly expected that appropriate Cyber risks are considered when making investment decisions. Professionals with proficiency in this area can add real value to organisations.
Led by experienced NCSC Certified trainers, Templar Executives’ comprehensive and interactive course will support you with key knowledge and understanding, practical advice and tips, as well as opportunity to ask questions to mitigate both personal and organisational risks. This virtual course includes:
- Cyber Security threats in the context of finance, reputation and business operations;
- Why Cyber Security is important and the key role of the finance and commercial function;
- Assurance regarding common regulatory and legislative requirements;
- Cyber Security requirements in projects;
- Assurance and trust measures in third party relationships;
- Risk treatments and Cyber insurance options;
- Best practice to mitigate risks;
- Discussion, real-world scenarios and examples.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email
NCSC Certified: The Insider Threat including Social Media Best Practice
Course Date: Please contact us for the next available date.
Course Time: 09:30-12:30 (with breaks for lunch and coffee)
Course Overview
The Insider Threat, both malicious and unintended, has never been greater. Threat actors are highly active in times of crisis. Malicious actors are quick to develop new ways of delivering their attacks through means such as disinformation, scams and Cyber attacks.
Led by experienced NCSC Certified trainers, Templar Executives’ comprehensive one day course will help you protect your business from financial, operational and reputational harm by an insider attack. This virtual course emphasises the need to raise awareness and be proactive, rather than reactive, to Insider Threats through:
- Raising awareness of the types of Insider Threat, including potential motivators and indicators;
- Exploring the risks of sharing information via social media and increased working from home;
- Discussing the key role of Leaders, HR and Line Managers and IT including best practice, detection, prevention and deterrents to Insider activities – as well as third parties;
- Exploring the conduct of investigation and disciplinary processes regarding Insider Threat;
- Applying measures to manage and mitigate Insider Threat; from both organisational and personal perspectives;
- Discussion, exercises and real-world scenarios.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email
NCSC Certified: Cyber Security for Non-Executive Directors
Course Date: Please contact us for the next available date.
Course Time: 09:30-12:30
Course Overview
Cyber Security is a business agenda and Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) have a critical role to ensure that their firm is managing Cyber risk effectively. The Institute of Directors specifically calls for NEDs to satisfy themselves “that systems of risk management are robust and defensible.” By ensuring Cyber Security is an integral part of ‘business as usual’ in the Boardroom, and the business makes proportionate investments to mitigate risk and meet compliance and regulatory requirements, NEDs can help safeguard the future of their organisation.
In order to provide constructive strategic advice and leadership, it is important for NEDs to raise and maintain their own Cyber Security awareness, knowledge and skills. Led by experienced NCSC Certified trainers, Templar Executives’ comprehensive and interactive trainer-led course will support NEDs to lead in this agenda. This virtual course includes:
- Raising the Cyber Security awareness of NEDs to enhance their capacity to carry out their role effectively and engage with the Board, Audit Committee and other key stakeholders;
- Providing relevant and cutting-edge insights into the current and evolving Cyber threat landscape;
- Overview of key legislation and liabilities – with a focus on NEDs;
- Best practice Leadership and Governance and Information Risk Management;
- Applying measures to manage and mitigate risks, from both organisational and personal perspectives;
- Key considerations for incident management and business continuity;
- Exploring how to develop Cyber resilience and a positive Cyber Security culture;
- Insights from experienced NEDs; discussion, exercises and real-world scenarios.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email
NCSC Certified: Cyber Security for HR
Course Date: Please contact us for the next available date.
Course Time: 09:30-12:30
Course Overview
Cyber Security attacks continue to increase and evolve in sophistication. Organisations who see this solely as an IT issue leave themselves vulnerable and attackers are choosing softer targets – people. Breaches also continue to increase through human error, arising from poor awareness, policies, leadership or complacency. At a time when many of us are working from home, these issues are heightened through disinformation, scams and targeted Cyber attacks.
HR professionals have a key role to play in minimising risks, developing Cyber resilience and fostering a positive Cyber Security culture throughout the business and employee cycle. This includes ensuring robust policies and procedures are in place and developing Cyber capabilities and skills, as well as engaging leaders and employees to ensure positive behaviours and practices are business- as- usual.
Led by experienced NCSC Certified trainers, Templar Executives’ comprehensive and interactive course will support HR professionals with proficiency in this area and add value to the business. This virtual course includes:
- A definition of holistic Cyber Security and the key role of HR;
- Raising awareness of the types Cyber Security threats, vulnerabilities and risks;
- Exploring the risks of sharing information via social media and increased working from home;
- An overview of key legislation and liabilities and best practice policies;
- Applying measures to manage and mitigate risks, including the Insider Threat and Social Engineering; from both organisational and personal perspectives;
- The key role of Leaders, HR and Line Managers and IT;
- How to develop a positive Cyber Security culture;
- Discussion, exercises and real-world scenarios.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email
Personal Cyber Security and Remote Working
Course Date: Please contact us for the next available date.
Course Time: 09:30-12:30
Course Overview
Many of us are working from home for the unforeseeable future at this unprecedented time. With the increase in remote working and social media activity, Cyber Security for individuals and organisations is a concern as Cyber threats increase. Criminals are increasingly targeting home workers who may be using insecure routers, compromised home devices or are lulled into a false sense of security. Malicious actors know how to exploit the vulnerabilities of individuals and are quick to develop new ways of delivering their attacks through means such as disinformation, scams and Cyber attacks.
Led by experienced NCSC certified trainers, this comprehensive and interactive course will support you with key knowledge and understanding, practical advice and tips as well as opportunity to ask questions to mitigate both personal and organisational risks. This virtual course includes:
- What is Cyber Security and why is it important;
- The types of threats and how they can affect you;
- Getting the basics right, for example, checking security settings on devices, updating privacy settings on social media, updating and safely sourcing apps and secure passphrases;
- Exploring the risks of sharing information via social media and increased working from home;
- Top tips for good practices to mitigate risks – both personal and organisational;
- Discussion, real-world scenarios and exercises to support learning;
- Where to go for further information.
To find out more or to enrol onto this course, contact us on (+44) 0203 542 9075 or email