Industry Coverage

Cyber is not bound by borders and we have an international reach working with governments, industry sectors and in-country partners

Get in Touch

Cyber-attack vectors are not bound by borders. Templar Executives’ unique capability and experience helps clients optimise business strategies and achieve benefits realisation through bespoke holistic Cyber Security solutions, encompassing leadership, culture and international best practices. Contact us for a free consultation.

Our International Reach

We deliver timely, relevant and valued Cyber Security solutions and services to our clients worldwide and through our subsidiaries Templar Executives EMEA and Templar Executives APAC.

Our Industry Coverage

Templar Executives provides business enabling Cyber Security solutions across all industries, including:


Financial Services


Oil, Energy and Nuclear





Innovative Industry Initiatives

Cross Industry: Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) Portal

The SIRO Portal is a “community forum of trust and collaboration – it is an innovative platform enabling Senior Information Risk Owners (SIROs) to interact with their peers and share pragmatic experiences, knowledge and skills within and across industry sectors. In addition, the portal provides regular threat intelligence, news and hosts webinars for SIROs to stay informed on a dynamic and increasingly complex Cyber landscape. Contact us to find out more.

Healthcare: Cyber Operational Readiness Support (CORS)

CORS provides expertise to the Health sector helping organisations including NHS Trusts to focus resources and increase the organisation’s Cyber Security resilience. Our multi-disciplined team of experts offer a suite of proven, pragmatic interventions that develop Cyber Security capabilities at a strategic and tactical level to improve patient safety and care outcomes. Contact us to find out more.