Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services

Supporting organisations to holistically integrate AI and optimise business outcomes.

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Our Approach

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is projected to contribute over £12.25 trillion to the global economy by 2030. AI provides transformative opportunities for organisations across all sectors to streamline operations and increase competitive advantage. Templar Executives supports organisations to seamlessly integrate AI within their operational environment, ensuring optimal business outcomes.

Our expertise focuses on four key areas:

  1. Consultancy: Tailoring AI solutions to meet your specific needs.
  2. AI Policy: Guiding responsible and effective AI utilisation.
  3. AI Ethics: Establishing a culture that prioritises ethical AI practices.
  4. Training: Empowering your workforce with essential AI skills.

Discover how we can help you harness the full potential of AI below.

Our Services

AI Consulting

What organisational challenges can AI address for your business? Our expert consultancy advice helps organisations identify areas where AI can provide actionable insights and maintain these advantages throughout the AI lifecycle.

Our consultancy advice includes supporting clients to:

  • Analyse how AI can be best utilised to optimise business outcomes and create a compelling AI business case.
  • Embed robust AI governance across all levels of the organisation, from the Board to the frontline.
  • Integrate AI workstreams into the organisation’s current risk posture, ensuring decisions align with the Board’s risk appetite.
  • Operationalise AI ethics throughout the AI lifecycle to foster a culture of industry-leading ethical standards.
  • Conduct AI audits to enhance existing AI development and usage, maximising AI potential while ensuring compliance with evolving legal and ethical standards.

AI Policy

Policies form the legal backbone of organisations, shaping culture and ensuring compliance. AI-tailored policies optimise AI usage while upholding strong legal and ethical standards. They embed security measures to protect intellectual property and align with the Board’s risk appetite to mitigate risks.

Our offerings include:


  • A review of any existing AI policies.
  • Collaboration with organisations to develop a bespoke AI policy that aligns with organisational use, legal and ethical standards and industry best practices.
  • Tailoring organisations’ Acceptable Use Policies to specify AI usage, particularly for Generative AI, for all employees to read and sign.
  • Support organisations to embed AI policies into everyday practices through targeted communication campaigns.

AI Ethics

Ethical AI development and usage are increasingly central to AI regulation and organisational culture. Addressing ethical issues, such as privacy, bias and explainability, from the start of your AI journey enhances reputational value and optimises business outcomes.

We provide:


  • AI Ethics Principles to guide your organisation’s engagement with AI.
  • AI Ethics Audits to assess your organisation’s use of AI in line with best practices.
  • AI Ethics upskilling through our e-Learning Skillbites, which can be tailored based on organisational context.

AI Training and Awareness

As AI is a general-purpose technology, it is important for the entire workforce to be upskilled on its organisational use, benefits and risks. We are constantly evolving our portfolio to reflect the latest technological advances.

Explore our offerings: 

  • Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security for Boards Training: Empowers the Board to guide strategic AI investments and decisions which enhance organisational capability and provide a competitive edge.
  • AI e-Learning Skillbite: Provides essential training on AI types, applications, risks and opportunities.
  • AI Ethics e-Learning Skillbite: Covers the ethical use of AI, including privacy, bias, explainability and the legal and regulatory landscape.
  • EU AI Act e-Learning: Offers insights into the regulatory framework of the EU AI Act.

Contact us for a free consultation and find out more about how our products and services can help enable your business.