Business Consultancy

Expertise to help your organisation meet any challenge

Get In touch

Our Business Consultancy services encompass a range of strategic and pragmatic offerings to build sustainable Cyber resilience. Contact us for a free consultation or to find out more about how our products and services can help enable your business.

Strategy & Governance

Templar Executives provides Strategic consultancy encompassing people, policies and processes, and technology to embed a culture and capability that enables organisations to determine a proportionate and sustainable approach to embedding cyber resilience.

Board-level Engagement

Templar Executives has a track record of providing discreet and valued engagements with private sector C-suites, public sector boards and senior officials. Our Board-level engagements include Strategy and Policy, briefings, mentoring, crisis management and cyber resilience.

Assure & Advise

Our Cyber Health Checks and the Templar Cyber Maturity Assessment Diagnostic (CMAD) offer an independent and trusted ‘client friend’ bringing deep specialist Cyber Security knowledge and skills to senior executives and boards across the public and private sectors.

Cultural Transformation

Our Communications Team work closely with organisations to promote a positive Cyber Security culture. This includes developing Communications Plans and Campaigns encompassing people, processes, policies, culture and Information Technology.

Policy & Process Reviews

We review and create policy suites against best practice guidance. Reviews include Governance; Culture and Awareness; Risk management; Information Security; Technology and Services; Personnel Security; Physical Security; Preparing for and Responding to Security Incidents.

Cyber Risk Assessments

Our Cyber risk assessments provide a holistic review of your organisation delivered against international standards and best practice guidelines including the NCSC CAF; ISO27001; NIST and Cyber Essentials Plus and develop a roadmap for continuous improvement.

Industry Thought Leadership

Our thought leadership plays a pivotal role in developing and implementing Strategy, Policies and Governance for organisations.

Information, Data & Intel Services

Our experts utilise OSINT, machine learning and innovative technologies for analysis and actionable insights.

Red Teaming

We use a programmatic, dynamic and tested methodology for “Red Teaming” clients’ projects, services and businesses.